The Florida Panhandle Technical College Foundation* is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities and program support to students. The FPTC Foundation is honored to serve as a resource to help students succeed in work and life. Each student has their own unique story, but what they all have in common is that they are working to build a better future. While the number of students needing assistance continues to grow, members of the FPTC Foundation are helping to ease their financial burden. The FPTC Foundation is proud of our past progress, but still has more to do. Your support will help us provide students in our region with the opportunity to become exceptional employees that support our hospitals, law enforcement agencies, local businesses and our skilled workforce. Your donation is fully tax deductible. Please join us in providing a brighter future to our students and our communities.

Ziah White had taken a few college classes after high school. She was concerned about becoming stagnant and settling for less than she really wanted from a career. Determined to overcome her fears and step out of the box, she was accepted to the FPTC Nursing Program. “The LPN Program is amazing and very challenging – I love being at this school because every day I like I am being challenged to be a better student, a better citizen and an awesome future nurse. Due my financial circumstances, I could not have enrolled in this program without the FPTC Foundation Scholarship. It gave me the opportunities to pursue a dream career that I have always wanted.” After graduating, Ziah plans to continue her education to become a Registered Nurse.

Pedro Martinez was ready for a change after working years as a forklift operator. He began a new future by enrolling in the Network Support Services Program and earning two industry certifications. But that only increased his appetite for more knowledge. To top that, he then completed the Network Systems Administration Program, the Information Technology and Cybersecurity programs along with the Digital Media program. Pedro was deter-mined to work hard towards the career he wanted. He now holds twenty industry certifications including Web Design Specialist, Web Security Professional, IT Operations Specialist and Secure Structure Specialist. “The Foundation Scholarships helped me complete my educational journey.” He is employed as an IT Specialist and manages a Windows Server Domain Network. Pedro says that his education transformed his life and landed him a great career. “Everything I do at work makes me happy – it is a great professional and personal success for me.”
Charlyce Morris was a small business owner and drove a school bus, but that was not the career she dreamed of as a kid. FPTC Medical Administrative Assistant and EMT programs were the tickets to fulfilling her dreams. “Both programs, especially the EMT class took a lot of time and effort. I missed out on some family and fun times, but it was worth it when I was successful in passing the class and the national certification exam,” said Morris. “Without the FPTC Foundation Scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to attend the EMT Program and do what I love – I’m
so proud to be an EMT!”